Good job on the prayers. As you may have noticed, we (along with Mishkan T'filah) have recently added in the line to the g'vurot that says - mashiv haruach u'morid hagashem - God who returns the wind and brings down the rain. Now, in the rainy season in Israel, it is raining, and windy, and hailing (occasionally). Preparing for Shabbat, we visited the machane yehudah - the Jewish open air market. In some ways, it is the same place that we shopped every Friday fifteen years ago. In an important way, it is not. Our weekly stop, a restaurant in the shuk that we called Kebab Elvis for the tile picture on the wall, has been gone for almost a decade. Alas, we miss our waiter Sami and hope he is doing well. As Shabbat is about to begin in this holy city, we will be travelling to Tel Aviv - specifically Rishon Letzion - to be the guests of a Reform congregation there.
Shabbat Shalom from ir hakodesh - the Holy City.
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